opening season 1

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 from 6pm | Silversquare Bailli, avenue Louise 231, 1050 Bruxelles



🎉 6.00 pm : Door opening 

💁🏻‍♀️ 6.45 pm : Introduction by Lorena in the Atlantis room 

🎙 7.00 pm : Elizaveta Palaznik, Blockchain explained to beginners 

🎙 7.20 pm : Antonietta Mastroianni, The international journey of a women in tech

🎙 7.40 pm : Maurgane Rose Nlandu, But what is cryptocurrency? 

📡 Wifi network : Silversquare Guest - Code: available soon

🍸 Get a drink at the bar, it is on the house ❤️

🤝 After our amazing speakers, let's enjoy the afterwork to get to know each other  

🍤 Getting hungry ? We have your back... Try the delicious Lobster rolls of Pablo!

📢 18H45 |Opening by Lorena - What is Wom3nsquare?

The event will start with Lorena explaining why Wom3nsquare was born, her motivation and her inspiration. Get ready to learn & enjoy the best crypto & web3 events for women in Brussels!

📢 19h00 | Elizaveta Palaznik

Blockchain explained to beginners

Elizaveta is an entrepreneur, university lecturer, blockchain & NFT advisor, Ex- Ernest & Young and the United Nations.

Her enthusiasm for technology, education and blockchain makes of her a reference in this sector.

She will make sure you understand what blockchain means and how it is used.

📢 19h20 | Antonietta Mastroianni

The international journey of a Women in Tech

Let's discover how the blockchain is becoming a focus in Antonietta's professional and personal life.

She will guide you through her international trail that started out in Italy, meandered through Switzerland and Denmark to finally arrive in Belgium at Proximus.

Part of this journey is the continuous exploration of new innovations and creations.

📢 19h40 | Maurgane Rose Nlandu

But what is cryptocurrency?

Maurgane, an investor, really loves cryptocurrency and its ecosystem. She will talk about the role of cryptocurrencies and why Bitcoin matters.

She will go through those fundamentals questions you may ask yourself : Why should you pay attention to crypto? How the future looks like? What you can do to avoid a scam? What event will happen in 2024 and how to prepare?

Rdv au Silversquare Bailli , Av. Louise 231, 1050 Bruxelles dès 18h.